أكس أو Game Online - أكس أو - Two players or one player vs PC - Online Game

أكس أو Game Online

أكس أو - Two players or one player vs PC - Online Game

أكس أو Game Online - أكس أو - Two players or one player vs PC - Online Game
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أكس أو Game Online - One player against the computer
أكس أو Game Online - One player against the computer
أكس أو Game Online - One player against the computer
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أكس أو Game Online - Two players on one computer
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أكس أو Game Online - Two players around the world
French: Morpion
Greek: H τρίλιζα [Ι triliza]
Czech,Slovak: Piškvorky
Hungarian: Amőba [Amoeba]
Vietnamese: Cờ Ca-rô
Chinese: [Jǐng zì],井字
Spanish (Venezuela): La Vieja
Spanish (Colombia): Triqui
Spanish (Perú): Michi
Spanish: Equis Cero
Icelandic: Mylla (Mill)
Latvian: Desas (Sausages)
Estonian: Trips Traps Trull
(Jamaica): Tee Taa Toe
Turkish: Cüz
Romanian : x şi 0
Arabic: أكس أو (X O)
Serbian: Puta Nula, Iks Oks
English (Ireland): X's and O's
Spanish (Chile, México and Costa Rica): Gato (cat)
Spanish (Mexico): Bicho Chocha
Spanish (Argentina and Uruguay): Ta Te Ti
Esperanto: Tiktako And Mordpeono, Tri En Vico
Danish: Kryds og Bolle (Cross and buns)
(Bangladesh and West Bengal): Kata Kuti
Polish: Kółko i Krzyżyk (Circle and Cross")
Croatian: Križic Kružic (Circle and Cross)
Slovenian: Križci in Krožci (Crosses and Circles)
Chinese (Taiwan): Jǐngzìhyóusìh,井字遊戲
(Vietnam): Croa Zero, Cross Zero
Punjabi (Pakistan): Kaat kar ya Zero Pa
(Dominican Republic): Equis Cero (XO)
Afrikaans: Kruisies En Nulletjies
(South Africa): Kringetjies en Kruisies
Bulgarian: Морски шах (Sea Chess)
Marathi (India): Phulli Gola,पूर्णपणे फेरीत
TIC TAC TOE Noughts and Crosses X's and O's TICK TAT TOE TIT TAT TOE Naughts and Crosses Morpion Tres En Raya Ta Te Ti Gato Kruisies En Nulletjies H τρίλιζα [Ι triliza] Piškvorky OXO Boter, Kaas En Eieren Kruisje Nulletje איקס עיגול [iks igul] איקס מיקס דריקס [iks miks driks] крестики-нолики Jogo Da Velha Jogo Do Galo Tiktako And Mordpeono Tri En Vico Puta Nula Iks Oks Risti Nolla Jätkänshakki x şi 0 Luffarschack Tripp Trapp Trull Amőba [Amoeba] Cờ Ca-rô Dǎ Jǐng Drei Gewinnt XXO Kreis und Kreuz Dodelschach Deppenschach La Vieja Triqui Michi Bicho Chocha Equis cero Tris Tria Filetto Crocetta e Pallino Cerchi e Croci Bondesjakk Tripp trapp tresko Tre på rad Kryds og Bolle Zero Kata Kaat Koot Katam Kataa Phool aur Chaukadi e Pallino Mylla Desas Trips Traps Trull Kringetjies en Kruisies Kata Kuti Phulli Gola Tee Taa Toe Kaat kar ya Zero Pa Equis Cero Cüz Морски шах Kółko i krzyżyk Križic Kružic Križci in Krožci أكس أو Jǐngzìhyóusìh Maru Batsu Sanmoku Narabe Croa Zero Cross Zero