Playing board for Tic Tac Toe game is any surface where players can put their symbols - this is a 3 × 3 grid with nine equal squares. The grid is the easiest to draw by drawing two parallel vertical lines cut by two horizontal lines.
Icons in Tic Tac Toe game can either be placed on the playing board or drawn. It does not matter what type of symbols used, it is just that they are different.
Tic Tac Toe game has simple rules.
Players alternately play and can place the symbol in any free field.
In Tic Tac Toe game winner is the player who first manages to link its three symbols in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row.
A player who is first to act has a greater chance of winning, but if both players play the best move, the game will end in a draw.
Numerous drawings with 3 x 3 grid of Tic Tac Toe game were found scratched on stone surfaces around the ancient Roman Empire, dating from about the first century before Christ.
But since it is not found at least one TTT game with carved symbols, there are two options. The first option is that the old Roman game Terni lapilli played with the same rules as modern TTT game. Another possibility is that the rules of the game was more like the rules of some other games that are played at the same table. In one of these games, each player has only three symbols, which he placed in the available fields on the board trying to make a row of three symbols.
It is believed that all similar games probably originate from Ancient Egypt
The number of positions in one Tic Tac Toe game without taking into account the symmetry = 255168
The first player wins = 131184
The second player wins = 77904
Draw = 46.080
Two games are considered to be symmetrical if they can make to be identical with the rotating table.
The number of positions taking into account the symmetry = 26830
The total number of unique end position = 138
The first player wins = 91
The second player wins = 44
Draw = 3
Following this strategy and playing the first available move from the list you can not lose Tic Tac Toe game and if the opponent makes a mistake you are going to win.
1) If you have two symbols in a row, play the third in a row to win.
2) If the opponent has two symbols in a row, block opponents.
3) Create a winning position where you have two sets of two symbols in a row
4) Block your opponent to make a winning position in which he has two sets of two symbols in a row
5) Play symbol in center field unless it is the first move. Playing the first move in the corner gives the opponent more opportunities to make a mistake.
6) If the opponent plays in the corner, you play it in the opposite corner.
7) Play in the corner.
8) Play at some of the central field to the edge.